Radio Station 《Spirit World Tales》
守月亮的见闻故事,源自守月亮原创博客 ,信者欢迎专修净土法门,不信者不妨当做西游记。 Spirit-world tales told by ShouYueLiang. Believers are welcome to specialize in the Buddhism Pure Land Dharma, and those who do not believe in it may wish to take it as “Lord of the Rings” or “Journey to the West “.
有声文章 收听渠道 Channels to Listen Audio Stories:
Apple Podcast: 灵界见闻录 Spirit World Tales
Spotify: 灵界见闻录 Spirit World Tales
Google Podcasts: 灵界见闻录 Spirit World Tales
Radio Station 《Buddhism Fairytales》
蒙童养正故事 - 方便家长进行家庭教育,通过生动有趣的佛经童话故事,潜移默化,立德树人。 Buddhism Fairytales - Fun and thought-provoking audio stories for children and parents :)
有声文章 收听渠道 Channels to Listen Audio Stories:
Apple Podcast: 佛经童话故事 Buddhism Fairytales
Spotify: 佛经童话故事 Buddhism Fairytales
Google Podcasts: 佛经童话故事 Buddhism Fairytales
Amazon Music: 佛经童话故事 Buddhism Fairytales